Improving Yard Efficiency with Axle Counters
North American rail yards are a vital resource for operators and come in a variety of sizes and types. The technology used to operate these yards ranges from manually thrown switches to fully automated facilities. Yards that have implemented state-of-the-art axle counters for train detection experience higher reliability due to product robustness, even in common yard conditions such as deteriorated track and ballast, flooding, and snow.
Advanced information for increased productivity
Frauscher axle counters can provide real-time information such as the number of axles coming in, going out, and moving within the yard. They can also provide detailed information such as the number of axles within a specific track section to determine capacity of individual storage tracks. A small track section designed with axle counters can detect cars before backing into the over switch fouling zones. Speed indication information is also available to ensure precise braking, a function necessary to prevent damage to equipment, rolling stock, and a potential derailment.
While inefficient yard operations can have a direct negative impact on operator profitability, the wide range of data available with a Frauscher axle counting system gives operators the information needed to increase yard efficiency and safety, while optimizing resources and throughput to increase overall revenue.
Benefits at a glance
Easy installation regardless of yard layout
Remote and preventative maintenance
Accurate switch protection
Performance unaffected by harsh conditions
Advanced scope of available information
Can function as an overlay to track circuits

Operational Efficiency for Yards
Efficient, cost effective and reliable yard automation is possible using the Frauscher Advanced Counter FAdC or Frauscher Track Vacancy System FTVS, combined with Wheel Sensors RSR180 or RSR110. Our waterproof IP68 rated wheel sensors are highly reliable in challenging yard environments, do not require modifications to tracks or switch layouts for installation, and support an inspection interval of two years. Our systems offer tools such as Frauscher Insights that supports remote diagnostics and data logging, reducing overall maintenance costs and increasing safety by reducing time on track for personnel.
Yard Applications
Vital and non-vital switch point protection
Complete yard automation
Rolling resistance calculation (hump yards)

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