Site Notice
Frauscher Sensor Technology USA Inc.
300 Carnegie Center | Suite 320 | Princeton, New Jersey 08540 | USA
Tel: +1 609 285-5492 | Fax: +1 609 799-5404 | E-mail: office@us.frauscher.com
Frauscher Sensor Technology USA Inc. is a subsidiary of Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH
Company description: Development of components for the railroad signaling technology
VAT no: ATU61915299 | Company no: 266778x | DVR no: 0642568 | Commercial Register Court: Landesgericht Ried im Innkreis
Headquarters: Gewerbestraße 1 | 4774 St. Marienkirchen | Austria
Tel: +43 7711 2920-0 | Fax: +43 7711 2920-25 | E-mail: office@frauscher.com
Member of the WKO, LI Mechatroniker für Elektromaschinenbau und Automatisierung
Professional law: Industrial code retrievable under www.ris.bka.gv.at
Supervisory authority/trade authority: Bezirkshauptmannschaft Schärding
Legal form: GmbH (Limited Liability Company) | CEO: DI Michael Thiel
Ownership structures: Frauscher Sensortechnik GmbH is to 100% daughter of Frauscher Sensortechnik Holding GmbH
Editorial policy: Information about products (components for the railroad signaling technology)
Legal information and exclusion of liability
All contents of this website including the creation and programming are subject to copyright. The pictures and texts used in the website have been provided and released by Frauscher Sensor Technology. No responsibility can be taken for the information. All rights reserved. All information serves for personal information — commercial use of the editorial descriptions/structuring is not permitted. Commercial use of data such as installation of own systems and services/lists of any kind is prohibited. Moreover, the automatic selection of data by software is forbidden. For the information on this website or wrong links no responsibility and liability is taken. No juridical consultation should occur through the information on this website. Our websites contain links to other offers in the World Wide Web. The respective operators are responsible for the contents of the found offers. We can neither assess nor influence what will happen with your data there. Provider of foreign contents to which was pointed, are of course responsible for their lawfulness; in case you find offers which are indecent or even have illegal contents — please inform us, we will check the circumstances and delete the correspondent link.