Notification Center
The utilization of precise and reliable axle counting systems is essential to preventing derailments during switch overs. Frauscher axle counting systems provide the clear or occupied information required to either allow or block the operation of switch point machines, thereby contributing to safe, smooth and efficient rail operations.
Retrofitting capabilities
Convenient installation without drilling
No rail modifications required
Low life cycle costs
Resilience in harsh environmental conditions
Greater efficiency with reduced system downtime
Switch point protection plays a crucial part in ensuring safe and efficient rail operations. The key feature of any switch point protection system is a high degree of reliability, crucial for all rail segments including main lines, metros and industrial yards.
Frauscher wheel detection and axle counting solutions offer this required level of reliability. The exceptional flexibility of our systems allows them to be installed quickly and efficiently in tight spaces or within complex track layouts. They can also be retrofitted to integrate with any existing system. As an additional benefit, no rail modifications such as drilling, joints, bonds, and wiring are required, simplifying the installation process and reducing the associated costs.
Do you require more information? Contact us - we're here for you!