Notification Center
Gurgaon, India
Our employees do a great job. That's why they also deserve countless benefits and an open, flexible working environment.
Car Park
Free 4 wheeler and two wheeler parking spaces are available in the building premises.
Company iPhones
Every employee receives an iPhone for professional as well as private use.
Employee health insurance is a benefit extended to Frauscher employees and their immediate family members.
Free lunch
Free lunch is served for all our employees in our location in Mysore during work week.
Further Training
Training needs for employees are identified and appropriate trainings are imparted for more productive, efficient skills. We sponsor higher education through our FLAG Policy.
Company Events
Wellness sessions, team gatherings, Mental Health Awareness sessions: As part of our team, you can look forward to various regularly held events.
St. Marienkirchen, Austria
St. Marienkirchen | Wien, Austria
St. Marienkirchen, Austria
Take a look at our Career area to find out more about our application process and benefits. If there are more questions don’t hesitate to contact our HR department.