
Clear the way for comprehensive, condition-oriented track maintenance

New FTS application continuously monitors changes in condition

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Continuous monitoring of the wheel-rail interaction | © Frauscher Sensor Technology

Carrying out maintenance work only when it is necessary? Detect defects so early that no major damage occurs? Achieve the highest possible track availability for maximum operational performance? These require an innovative solution, collecting real-time data about the wheelrail interaction around the clock. That is exactly what the new features of the Frauscher Tracking Solutions FTS enable.

Infrastructure monitoring in real time

The ongoing development of Frauscher Tracking Solutions FTS has revealed another world premiere: a track monitoring system, which monitors the condition of whole track networks in real time. "At InnoTrans 2018, we are presenting a solution that continuously monitors the condition of vehicle wheels and the entire infrastructure. The system is very sensitive. It even detects minimal changes in the condition of the rail, the fastening devices and sleepers as well as the superstructure and substructure. As soon as a change occurs in one of these components, we are informed in real time. This information is presented via an intuitive, modern user interface. There, the positions and development of conspicuous features and damage can be tracked on interactive maps. For the first time, infrastructure operators or maintenance companies now have access to an information database on the current state of the track infrastructure that can be called up at any time. Forming the basis for predictive maintenance of track systems and for optimum planning of related tasks. The result is a significantly higher availability of the track while simultaneously increasing maintenance efficiency," explains Michael Thiel, CEO Frauscher Sensor Technology.

Together in the field

In further developing this solution, Frauscher relies on close cooperation with various institutions, universities, operators and service providers. "We are convinced that the potential of digitalisation in the area of condition-based maintenance can only be exploited in open cooperation between the respective experts," Thiel continues. "In this context, we are particularly pleased that Frauscher and our FTS have been selected as a partner by Siemens Mobility and Vossloh. The combination of the expertise and know-how of our companies will drive these innovative approaches to optimizing maintenance far forward in the years to come".

The next steps at a glance

Frauscher has already set its sights on the first areas in which further developments will take place: "Great progress can be achieved through innovations in the optical field. Above all, however, new methods for processing large amounts of data – such as intelligent algorithms – will open up undreamt of possibilities and new business areas," Thiel predicts.

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  • 2018-09_Frauscher PR - Neue CBM Lösung.pdf

  • 2018-09_PR_Frauscher_New-CBM-Solution_EN.pdf


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