Wheel Sensor RSR180
Safe and available wheel detection
Simply reliable: The RSR180 was the first inductive solution for wheel detection from Frauscher. For over 30 years, the wheel sensor has been continously utilised as a reliable wheel detection solution, fulfilling the highest safety standards, in line with SIL 4.
Benefits at a glance
Ideal solution for SIL 4 applications
Optimum performance in harsh environments
Waterproof according to IP68 protection class
Suitable for grooved and vignole rails
Highest reliability and availability
Low maintenance and life cycle costs
Usage in a wide range of applications
The RSR180 is a robust, highly available and reliable wheel sensor when it comes to implementing safety-relevant solutions for wheel detection and track vacancy detection:
Flank protection
Track vacancy detection for trams

Pravesh Construction
Reliability without compromise
Snow, ice, extreme heat: The Frauscher Wheel Sensor RSR180 is successfully in use in over 70 countries around the world under the most adverse conditions. Thanks to the IP68 rating, this wheel sensor can reliably withstand flooding without compromising railway operations. This makes the RSR180 the ideal choice in instances where harsh conditions are the rule rather than the exception and where reliable wheel detection is crucial. The RSR180 is also particularly robust against mechanical stress and electromagnetic interference (EMI).
Simple installation without calibration
The patented Frauscher rail claw enables the wheel sensors to be mounted easily and in a matter of minutes. The RSR180 also has an electromagnetic operating principle that requires no calibration during installation, thus further reducing the time maintenance staff spend on track.

Learn more about the Frauscher Wheel Sensor RSR180

Quick & simple
Simple mounting of Wheel Sensor RSR180

Features & Applications
Frauscher Talks Wheel Sensor RSR180

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